K.K.Physiotherapy Care Unit We cares for- Neurological conditions- spinal cord injury:-such as paraplegic, quadriplegic, neurologic disorders, e.g. neuropathies, Bell’s Palsy, GB syndrome.  . diseases of muscles: e.g. Muscular dystrophy  . neurogenic bladder, incontinence,  . Cerebral Palsy, Mentally retarded / challenged  . Stroke  Physiotherapy for of a hemiplegic patient  . head injury.  . poliomyelitis  . Spina bifida and Meningomyelocele  . peripheral Nerve Inj.  Balance and co-ordination related problems. Orthopedic physiotherapy unit-  . amputations such as upper and lower limb amputees  . diseases of metabolic disorders: like Osteoporosis, Osteomalacia, rickets, Diabetes Mellitus, Gout, Inborn errors of Metabolism  . diseases of back pain  . diseases of neck pain.  . Orthopaedic problems such as- Post Plaster applications, Management of Volkmann’s Ischaemic Contracture, Hand Physiotherapy for, Fractures and complications., Spinal deformities, Congenital deformities, C.T.E.V.,Common foot disorders, Osteoarthritis  Post-surgical patient,Hip and knee contractures,Correction of Equinus deformity, tendon transfers of foot and ankle,knee and hip.  . Arthritis(sero-positive and sero-negative)  . Ankylosing Spondylitis  Post immobilization joint stiffness  Soft tissue problems like – fibromyosities, myalgia, muscle fatigue, ligament-capsule-bursa-muscles injuries. and so on… Cardio-pulmonary physiotherapy care unit-  Physiotherapy for with patients with diseases of pulmonary diseases such as C.O.P.D. and other pulmonary conditions  . cardiovascular diseases-heart, coronary artery disease, Myocardial infarction,  Hypertension, Arrythmia. And cardiac Physiotherapy for  Physiotherapy for of post M.I. patient and post coronary artery bypass surgery patient. General – Medical and post surgical physiotherapy care unit-  . Haemophilia  . Leprosy  . burns  . chronic pain  . cancer related disability- cancer pain, Colostomy, mastectomy, Laryngectomy management Special clinic – Physiotherapy care unit-  . sports injuries  Geriatric Physiotherapy:  Physiotherapy for, as applied to Obstetrics and Gyanecology.  Physiotherapy for patients with Vestibular system problems About Somsankar Mukherjee- Qualified as a Master in Physiotherapy From Dr.NTR University of health Sciences,in 2009 and completed Bachelors degree form same university in 2006, He had a additional qualification as fellowship in orthopedic rehabilitation form Medvarsity Hyderabad, and had a clinical traning from 750 beded GSL General Hospital & Medical College,Rajahmundry Professionally working as a lecturer in physiotherapy for past 3 years in UG level. And appointed as a examiner several times by The WBUHS. He has attached with several nursing homes and sports clubs and running his own physiotherapy clinic. Future Plans- Willing to work as a project • with Different old-age homes • Post-pregnancy fitness-training institute • Fitness programme associated with schools/colleges/teaching/learning institutes for school/college going kids with respect to the child’s requirement. • Obesity and Diabetic management clinic.
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