EXIM TRAC | E-Showroom
EXIM TRAC | E-Showroom
With 15 years of servicing experience in the field of Import-Exports, Mr. Pradip Mehta laid the foundation of his own venture, M/s Exim Trac in the year 1997. Having started with the export of bicycles, mainly from the 'Hub of Bicycles' in India: Ludhiana, Exim Trac has now diversified into Pharmaceuticals, Grocery, Sanitary Ware and various other miscellaneous products. As reflected in its growth, over the years, Exim Trac has seen tremendous success and increasing turnovers. Exim Trac owes its entity to the perseverance, dedication and far sighted vision of Mr. Pradip Mehta.
Year Established
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