Esnext Imports & Exports | E-Showroom
Esnext Imports & Exports | E-Showroom
Importer and exporter of wafer sticks vanilla filled sticks fruit pudding jar etc. Es next imports and exports first started operations in 1995 importing international brands of chocolates and confectioneries and marketing them in india. Es next today is much more than a simple importer of chocolates and candies. Over a period of time we have established ourselves as a major player in the imported food products market. Over the years we have added to our product-range food products such as pasta biscuits cookies canned foods and beverages besides candies and confectioneries. Today es next represents numerous major international brands and has over 125 food products across various food categories. We are not just an importer any more but we represent brands. Our determination to associate ourselves with only the best quality products along with our values of impeccable integrity and ethics has made us the preferred domestic partner in india for many international brands. Our dedicated in-house distribution division and tie-ups with major retail chains & wholesale dealer networks across india gives us a very strong access to different geographic regions and demographics. As a part of our ongoing business expansion we are currently extending our operations to other parts of india and will soon cover most of southern region including cities like bangalore chennai and hyderabad.
Year Established
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