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Dear Sir, We take pleasure in introducing to you a very unique & patented technology from Scalewatcher U.S.A. for the subjected problems. This is a device based on electromagnetic principle, which can be easily installed on your existing pipeline without any plumbing / shutdown. Scalewatcher’s patented electronic descaling technology is based on the principles of electric field and physical chemistry. The technology works via a signal cable wrapped externally around the water pipe (main feeder line) to which an electric field of changing frequency is applied. This induces an alternating electric field inside the pipe promoting crystal growth for mineral ions present in water. These mineral crystal remains suspended in water and prevent scaling inside the pipe. This technology has been used in compressors, water fed plants, condensers and air conditioning plants including boilers and cooling towers, chillers, compressors, inter-coolers, humidifiers and injection Moulding Machines. This device not only prevents scale formation on your existing pipes and equipment but also removes the old scales. There is a substantial saving in terms of chemicals, water & electricity cost with short payback time.

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