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Dear Sir/ Madam, We Nafees Nursery Mujasa Malihabad Lucknow U.P ( INDIA ) , the Supplier Exporter and distributors of Frouits,Wornamantals,Harbals,Madisnal,Forrastrys plants, seeds and planting, is the exclusive firm which deals into Horticulture and Floriculture products. We are having varied varieties of Frouit plants, Green plants, Flower bulbs, Flowering plants,and Seeds; VISIT www.nafeesnursery.com Wabside> www.nafeesnursery.com It will not compromise quality and quantity. We are enclosing our product catalogue,and photo grafs in our wabside for your review can assure you for very good quality & prices. We will feel our pleasure to give you any type of information regarding the call me or mail We are looking forward to hear from you. Thanks & Best Regards, NAFEES NURSERY www.nafeesnursery.com MUJASA MALIHABAD LUCKNOW,U.P INDIA Email >info@nafeesnursery.com Email>nafeesnursery_exporter@yahoo.co.in Email>nafeesnursery_2002@rediffmail.com Mobil No>+919415532515,+919936420215,+919839886298 Dear sir I send to rate list of the following plants & visit our wabside> www.nafeesnursery.com (A) Mango Tree All varities & other plants 1.Dushari 2.Langra 3.Chausa 4.Malika 5.Amarpali 6.Lucknowa safida (B) Jack fruit (Kathal) 1. Jack fruit kalmi 2. jack fruit dasi (C) Guavas (Amrood/parru) of all varities 1.Guava L-49 2.Guava Alahabadi 3.Guava Lalit 4. Guava Black 5. Guava Baramasi (D) Seedless Lemon 1. Leman kagzi 2. Leman baramasi (E) Pomegranate 1-Anar ganash 2.Anar Dasi (F) Litchi Shahi (G)1. Aomla N-7 2.Aomla chakaya 3.Aomla highbred (F) 1. Karunda Dasi 2.karunda Amarikan 1. Ficus Banjamina hight 8 Fit 2.Fious Nuda hight 5 Fit 3.Ficus star light hight 5fit 4.Ficus panda hight 3fit 5.Fious Reznold hight 5fit 6.Hina (mahdi) 7.Tik (Sagaun) 2to 3 fit 8.Jatrufa Bio Desal(Ratan jot) 9.Bamboo plants Trancepotation chargas your. you wants plants and seed send me order by fax or speed Post Add NAFEES NURSERY MUJASA MALIHABAD LUCKNOW U.P INDIA compare rates of other National & International Nurseries. You found our rate is low and I am not compromise quality and quantity. I wating yor reply Thank you Nafees Nursery Dir sir visit our wabside www.nafeesnursery.com 1-All type frout plants avalbul in our NafeesNursery and madisnal 2.plants 3.Palmrosa (seeds) 4.Lemon grass (Krishna) 5.Citronella (Bio-13) 6.Noorjehan roses (Damasc rose ) 7.Mint (Avalbul in Decambar To Janvari 8.Hina. 9Amla-N-7 / N-10 10.Lamon 11.Bal pathar 12.Marigold seedling 13.Rose This rate is on our Nursey and Trancport chargas your other plants avalbul in our Nursery Nursery you want plants ,seed , seedling ,plants ,slips call me on our Mobil No>+919415532515/+919936420215/+919839886298 I WATE YOUR REPLY Thank you

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